

Page history last edited by Ronald Wopereis 17 years, 1 month ago




Passion is the desire to find out about an aspect of yourself that you can fall in love with.

What is your passion?


The Cultural_Fusion approach to Passion unites aspects of Passionism

as an SoulFood:Ingredient.

As such it allows Source:Love aka passion to be infused into each Project , Art:Work, etc.

"They are painters, musicians, filmmakers, writers, sculptors, and dancers with a common drive: passion. A passion for the process of creativity, not the result. Passionist art comes from the heart....seeking to bring art back to what it was originally about: the fruit of passion and beauty."


Understanding that beauty is in the eye of the beholder this approach to Passion is based on WebAntiphon:Radical_Inclusion and uniting the heart and mind to work together.


Category: Source | Comfusion:Proverbs

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