

Page history last edited by Yvette 12 years, 9 months ago




Convergence is for Yvette_Dubel what Mapping:CrossOver is for Ronald_Wopereis

(According to Yvette_Dubel convergence is internal view while crossover is the external.)


What is Convergence?


In the context of the SoulFood tradition being applied/developed in this Art:Series convergence is evident by two or more SoulFood:Ingredients or Art:Artists evolving in unique ecosystems to develop similar adaptions that lead to a Attention:Connection that develops into a Source:Commitment, usually resulting in a Project.


It is also:

Component for an Art:Work consisting of multiple contributions from several Art:Projects. The point being to represent the point(s) or moments of convergence with each Project:Sponsor or CF_Website:Member.


What is becoming clear to me now is that this development site will be the Cultural_Fusion SoulFood:Recipe book or documentation for the construction at Comfusion.


The SoulFood:Ingredients identified for this SoulFood:Dish are the following Theorem for convergence of random variables; the Attention:Dialogue(s) and representations that gave rise to Project:what-is-peace?; Project:Oci_Novosti

and later Context magazine (project page coming soon)


From Wikipedia convergence of random variables, almost sure convergence:


We say that the sequence Xn converges almost surely or almost everywhere or with probability 1 or strongly towards X if


This means that you are virtually guaranteed that the values of Xn approach the value of X, in the sense (see almost surely) that events for which Xn does not converge to X have probability 0. Using the probability space (Ω, F, P) and the concept of the random variable as a function from Ω to R, this is equivalent to the statement




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