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Page history last edited by Ronald Wopereis 16 years, 4 months ago

Source - Welcome home


this space is reserved for the Context of source





A source is the holon structure, the middle of two cycles of creation.

  1. One is where the source is a Produce, an end result, of a SoulFood:Recipe.
  2. The other is where the source is an SoulFood:Ingredient for a next SoulFood:Recipe.


Business:Resource literally means : back to Source

When a source is used to satisfy a human Need, it is called a Business:Resource.


Pages within this space

  1. Source:Acceptance
  2. Source:Action
  3. Source:Artist
  4. Source:Collaboration
  5. Source:Commitment
  6. Source:Context
  7. Source:Convergence
  8. Source:Intention
  9. Source:Love
  10. Source:Passion
  11. Source:Relationship


Category: Mapping

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