First there has to be a survey of SoulFood:Ingredients, including the question followed by Attention:Dialogue to clarify the flavor of SoulFood:Ingredients being added.
But instead of doing what 'Blue Ocean Strategy'. suggest, you "unknow" with no prescribed strategy except to become aware- to see clearly and to experience where we intend to be. You don't wait for the customer to share what you create. You begin the sharing when you are ready to take the leap of faith, the next step when you don't know what to do.
First step is always the same.
We specialize in the next step to your ULTIMATE ANSWER.
Ron will you put supporting part of dialogue on that here if I don't? Thank you :-)
I had felt a sense of reassurance when I found Michel's work. Sometime later I had the opportunity to be introduced to him and to have a bit of an email dialogue. The opportunity arose because of my ICT research relationship with iFOSSF. I like his explaination because the context he offers provides a still broader context for understanding Attention, Cultural Fusion (cf AaP), SoulFood (and its potential).
Michel Bauwens P2P Foundation
You might appreciate this interview I did with him last year. Michel and I "met" through my work with iFOSSFoundation where we collaborated on a couple of National Science Foundation proposals. Because of the time difference and some technical challenges he had the interview opens with a few songs to buy us some time to get things sorted - You can skip ahead to 15:00 to get right to the interview.
You can download our interview here -
This next video needs to be connected to Radical Inclusion as well
If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,'
then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.
- Vincent Van Gogh
This is also the next step in: Pay on Demand
I sell dreams, and ofcourse i have one of my own. My dream is called Pay on Demand.
Pay on Demand (PoD) is the analogue way of paying. The difference with the current - batch oriented - way of paying is the lack of duration between delivery and payment. A PoD transaction starts and ends in the here and now. No accounts payable, no advance delivery and no payment afterwards. The principle of immediate exchange applies. Each participant may at any moment decide to stop the transaction.
PoD looks like a transaction without begin or end. Yet in reality it is a continuous flow of infinitely small transactions. Pay on Demand is the economic alternative of the dialogue, the quantum theory of the economy.
Thanks to Willem Wind i got the idea of the first implementation of Pay on Demand : Attention as a Product.
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