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Page history last edited by Yvette 9 years, 8 months ago

  1. SoulFood
    1. Home of  SoulFood an A/r/tographic Solution Development Methodology
    2. Description
      1. "SoulFood emerges from oral traditions as a soulful practice that artfully combines wisdom, expression and intellectual tradition. It embodies wisdom as the source of growth and values both experience and theory. It is the bridge between the intellect and creative intuition (soulful tradition) as an approach to art as context for developing new solutions for increasingly complex situations.
    3. Business Impact
    4. Benefits
    5. What is SoulFood = Attention:SoulFood?
    6. Context for understanding the value of SoulFood as an expression of the Top Quality Attention. Other materials, from lumber & diamonds, to food are assigned value according to Quality Grades.  SoulFood describes the criteria for defining and context for creating with this Top Grade of Attention as a SoulFood:Ingredient.
      1. The understanding of our social, economic, management, and production systems can evolve within the larger context of what we know about quarks and leptons.
      2. Cultural Fusion Art as Philosophy is about creating more than what is created and SoulFood is the framework for this paradigm.
    7. General or Social Level
      1. Soul Food emerges from oral traditions as a soulful tradition not be confused with an intellectual tradition. Rather than rely on known knowledge (intellectual tradition) it relies on the bridge between the intellect and creative intuition (soulful tradition) as am approach to developing new solutions for increasingly complex situations.
    8. Video as Process in Projects 
    9. Individual or Personal Level
      1. Soul food is a depository of Love that flows forward through time to reach across generations. It is less about a particular kind of food, and more about an approach to creating that is expressed in what is created.  .
  2. Community Mental Health and Community Development
    1. What makes Soul Food special?
    2. What is the essence of SoulFood?
    3. The Game
    4. Pages in this space
  3. Category: Mapping




Home of  SoulFood an A/r/tographic Solution Development Methodology










"SoulFood emerges from oral traditions as a soulful practice that artfully combines wisdom, expression and intellectual tradition. It embodies wisdom as the source of growth and values both experience and theory. It is the bridge between the intellect and creative intuition (soulful tradition) as an approach to art as context for developing new solutions for increasingly complex situations.


Furthermore it provides illumination about how to do this with integrity (purity of ingredients), value for the individual, and appreciation for context.


Starting with the insights from Source:Acceptance

It is a path to conflict resolution. As a process conflict is transformed into contrast. .

here in the context of mixing ingredients, combining recipes to create a meal we find a universally understood metaphor that allows more complex realities not easily addressed by policies on compliance standards to be acknowledged.

SoulFood represents a kind of asset mapping

Demonstrates the flexibility required for a scalable framework where each community informs the CSR standards for the businesses operating within or serving it.

Furthermore, it re-presents cultural identity from the understanding that there is only one race, humanity, that is informed by an amazing array of cultural legacies. These legacies are expressed in cultural tradition that have a psycho-geographical component that is has an underestimated impact on regional economic development in the face of globalization.


Rather than seeing only the outcomes or targets, SoulFood as an Art based (see A/r/tography) methodology makes visible (palpable) the quantum pulses between the question and the outcome(s) where growth/discovery/learning/understanding is a consistent element. This is the key to creating more than what is created.  As model for development that embraces inquiry it is an A/r/tographic model for Cartographic Parallaxic Praxis. THis is another way of understanding/discussing/expressing Source:Convergence for application to real world scenarios.

(Source Inspiration for articulating these ideas via their work in Cartographic Parallaxic Praxis and A/r/tography - Dr. Pauline Sameshima, and Dr. Rita L. Irwin)



Business Impact


In the WebAntiphon:Clear_CRM_Strategy scheme of things this approach acknowledges the value of each person served and consulted by helping you find the recipe for the SoulFood:Meal or SoulFood:Dish that best suits your needs and taste..." This can be applied to expand understanding of CRM Strategy in more complex pictures of markets. As an approach it informs a Community Driven Development models that is concerned with new social responsibility standards based on higher value for intangible assets.



The primary benefits of this approach are better (inclusive and equitable) procurement outcomes, increased systemic efficiency expressed in cost (beyond strictly monetary) - benefits analysis, meaningful compliance standards and improved adherence.



What is SoulFood = Attention:SoulFood?


Context for understanding the value of SoulFood as an expression of the Top Quality Attention. Other materials, from lumber & diamonds, to food are assigned value according to Quality Grades.  SoulFood describes the criteria for defining and context for creating with this Top Grade of Attention as a SoulFood:Ingredient.


What we have here is a framework for social and economic innovation that is based on our current level of scientific understanding., It requires no previous knowledge of anything to participate in it,but your results will be delicious as long as you know & Accept yourself and trust the others contributing. It is the framework I believe we are already creating within but because we have not developed open multilateral systems - we have largely failed to realize the potential before and within us. There is not text or content that can adequately explain this to you if you do not intuitively understand it. That is is because it is experiential - you have to experience it.


Today I have had an insight that I believe will deliver something that will be quite exciting to help you not only understand what I am explaining in this website but more importantly - it will help you discover what it means to you and how to apply it to the issues you need to focus on.


  • Historically, much of fundamental physics has been concerned with discovering the fundamental particles of nature and the equations which describe their motions and interactions. It now appears that a different programme may be equally important: to discover the ways that nature allows, and prevents, information to be expressed and manipulated, rather than particles to move. For example, the best way to state exactly what can and cannot travel faster than light is to identify information as the speed-limited entity. In quantum mechanics, it is highly significant that the state vector must not contain, whether explicitly or implicitly, more information than can meaningfully be associated with a given system. Among other things this produces the wavefunction symmetry requirements which lead to Bose Einstein and Fermi Dirac statistics, the periodic structure of atoms, and so on.




The understanding of our social, economic, management, and production systems can evolve within the larger context of what we know about quarks and leptons.


There are six different types of quarks, known as flavors: up (symbol: u), down (d), charm (c), strange (s), top (t) and bottom (b).


Pasted from <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quark>



There are six flavours of leptons, forming three generations.


Pasted from <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lepton>


Cultural Fusion Art as Philosophy is about creating more than what is created and SoulFood is the framework for this paradigm.


General or Social Level


The practical wisdom of this Soul Food Tradition method is that makes clearer the value of culture in contrast to heritage.

In the paper being developed currently I ask readers to consider the difference between heritage and culture. (If this interest you feel free to contact me about how you can read the paper when it's completed)


Soul Food emerges from oral traditions as a soulful tradition not be confused with an intellectual tradition. Rather than rely on known knowledge (intellectual tradition) it relies on the bridge between the intellect and creative intuition (soulful tradition) as am approach to developing new solutions for increasingly complex situations.

Furthermore it provides illumination about how to do this with integrity (purity of ingredients), value for the individual, and appreciation for context.


Starting with the insights from Source:Acceptance

Through this approach one finds balance and peace...here in the context of mixing ingredients, recipes, etc it is akin to "cooked just the way you like with the ingredients available to you".


In the WebAntiphon:Clear_CRM_Strategy scheme of things this approach acknowledges the value of each person served and consulted by helping you find the recipe for the SoulFood:Meal or SoulFood:Dish that best suits your needs and taste:




Video as Process in Projects 


>>>Click here for sampling<<<


Previous studies and projects include


Project: House of Cards

First prototype of interactive installation concept: House of Cards Installation

Will add others soon...


Individual or Personal Level


To me there is the game and then there is the essence of this paradigm that supports healing.

Soul food is a depository of Love that flows forward through time to reach across generations. It is less about a particular kind of food, and more about an approach to creating that is expressed in what is created.  .


The soul food tradition when undertaken with Attention, is one that endeavors to create nourishing artistry infused with Love. This is why so often mom's version of a SoulFood:Dish tastes so much better than the rest.


Because it is about SoulFood:Cooking/creating from the fullness of ones being, it relies on the intuition rather than a SoulFood:Recipe card (which granted, does help others to prepare the SoulFood:Dish). Soul Food seems to be akin to oral traditions in that it is passed on via interpersonal Relationships and you have to observe them to learn/retain them.


My works produced with my creative energy and attention are under the SoulFood Tradition Original brand...This is an endeavor into Attention based brands where personal unique Attention and creativity are the key ingredients that overtime give themselves over to an abundance of recipes.


I think of my Grandma Lottie, who died in 2005. My cousin who lived closer and spent more Time with her knows most of her SoulFood:Recipes.


Community Mental Health and Community Development

In the context of my work in community development, SoulFood emerges from a new depth of understanding. My interest started inCommunity_Mental_Health via expressive therapy for community renewal and it has evolved from a community program concept to a social enterprise and art series which facilitates interdisciplinary projects addressing multiple issues simultaneously.



What makes Soul Food special?


Several years ago I was planning to go out to meet some friends and I was feeling annoyed that I felt obligated to make dinner first. I hurriedly made a SoulFood:Meal of pasta with a salad using the same SoulFood:Ingredients I had used on numerous occassions. I plopped the SoulFood:Meal down on the table just before I dashed to the other room to finish getting ready for my evening out.


When I walked back out my family sat looking dejected as they picked at their food. It doesn't taste the same they complained.


"You didn't put any love into it," said my husband. I deduced from that--- the love normally involved in food preparation actually infused the food with soul (aka love).


I feel this is a tradition that was passed on to me by my Grandma Lottie and my Mom, but I have had it validated by friends over the years, most noteably those that introduced me to their native cuisines and their version of Soul Food.


This SoulFood language endeavors to explore paths to greater inclusion in the “creative class” of artists, viewed metaphorically through the lens of culinary artistry (cook and chef) to expand the context for considering and valuing works of art.


What is the essence of SoulFood?


From article posted at SocialBC:Important dialogues are required to build the needed bridges and creativity tempered by good will is essential to accomplishing global social responsibility as a way of living/doing business. Has the time come to ask questions about the nature and roles of love and Attention in commerce?



9:14:47 AM Yvette Dubel says: i feel SoulFood is the context for approaching the roles of Love and Attention in business and commerce

9:15:17 AM Ronald Wopereis says: it means business and commerce must pay attention to soulfood ?

9:15:35 AM Ronald Wopereis says: recently Getrude reminded me of Ubuntu

9:15:43 AM Yvette Dubel says: hm....i hadn't thought of that way....

9:15:45 AM Yvette Dubel says: yes

9:16:05 AM Ronald Wopereis says: if soulfood is the context, then business and commerce are content

9:16:31 AM Yvette Dubel says: i feel it is a way to approach the problem identified in the article i mentioned that Corin sent....the differences in meaning from one culture to the next

9:16:40 AM Ronald Wopereis says: or maybe there should be a crossover of roles ? from one context to another ?

9:16:44 AM Yvette Dubel says: even when the content is consistent as in business

9:16:55 AM Ronald Wopereis says: yes

9:17:33 AM Yvette Dubel says: using Attention and Love as base reference points to create an Attention language base line


The Game

SoulFood perspective are Games of acceptance: The Cultural_Fusion series yields CRM strategies (the SoulFood:Restaurant) that create context for games to engage and nourish, so that a bridge exist to sustain Source:Connections to solutions. Then it is no longer necessary to want people to change or long for global social responsibility because we are participating in the remedies. Simply by playing a game where you/the player enters a (Hotel_Infinity)SoulFood:Restaurant (WebAntiphon:Clear_CRM_Strategy) to place your order or shop around at the Galleria to meet needs you already want to address.


Pages in this space

  1. SoulFood:Appetizer
  2. SoulFood:Banquet
  3. SoulFood:Chef
  4. SoulFood:Cook = the one doing the cooking; the one having the SoulFood:Recipe. Synonym: Art:Artist
  5. SoulFood:Cooking
  6. SoulFood:Cuisine. Synonym: Art:Series
  7. SoulFood:Dessert
  8. SoulFood:Dining_Room
  9. SoulFood:Dish = the dish or the end result of the SoulFood:Recipe. Synonym: Art:Work
  10. SoulFood:Eat. Synonym: Attention:Understand
  11. SoulFood:Executive_Chef
  12. SoulFood:Feast = the occasion where the SoulFood is being presented. Synonym: Event
  13. SoulFood:Guest = the person(s) for which the SoulFood:Meal is created. Synonym: CF_Website:Visitor
  14. SoulFood:Ingredient = the ingredient for the SoulFood:Recipe. Synonym: Resource
  15. SoulFood:Kitchen
  16. SoulFood:Meal = the meal, whole of the food, the cooking, the presenting, the eating. Synonym: Project
  17. SoulFood:Menu = the menu from which you choose the SoulFood:Dishes. Synonym: Project:Gallery
  18. SoulFood:Offering
  19. SoulFood:Ordering
  20. SoulFood:Oven
  21. SoulFood:Recipe = the recipe. Synonym: Attention:Bilocality Formula or Process
  22. SoulFood:Restaurant = where the SoulFood:Meal is served. Synonym: Hotel_Infinity
  23. SoulFood:Serving the SoulFood:Meal
  24. SoulFood:Sharing = where the SoulFood:Cooks share their SoulFood:Recipes. Synonym: Source:Collaboration
  25. SoulFood:Shopping = the act of acquiring those items on the SoulFood:Shopping_List
  26. SoulFood:Shopping_List = a list of SoulFood:Ingredients Needed in a SoulFood:Recipe
  27. SoulFood:Vibe = ...


Category: Mapping







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