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Page history last edited by woepwoep@gmail.com 15 years, 10 months ago




Update August 30, 2008


The CF Installation and related events embody the conceps for this as originally conceived BUT I feel it has evolved based on new understanding and partnerships. World Reverence for Life University is one key aspect that will most likely create the hub bridging stek-jes and what is peace with related art projects (Art Peace Two Day)




  • This is part of the Art Peace ~TwoDay event which is the follow up to Project:what-is-peace and Art Peace Day One projects, the content of this page will become a part of my art work
  • During Art_Peace_TwoDay surveys will be collected to find out what features are the top of participant wish lists to inform this project and resulting Art:Work
  • Workshops will be developed to provide online and offline learning opportunities for participating youths and their families
  • A web portal tha caters to the Arts and culture community will be developed for online collaboration; event planning for virtual online events, as well as offline; onging project syndication; as one of the first ICT solutions offered by CF project to other Arts communities to reduce the difficulty of developing meaningful international projects with minimal costs.


Community Technology for Free?


ICT repository connects this project to what-is-peace. This one explores the value of integrity and inclusiveness in community building by utilizing the repository developed as part of the what-is-peace. i'd like to use this as part of iFOSSF/CF collaboration as an initiative to address systems that support transparency and accountability as part of the solutions to engaging key stakeholders to effectively collaborate in community building. This will be done with attention on hybrid ICT solutions that include FOSS and other available solution components with the eventual goal of full integration into the Hotel_Infinity. From a humanistic perspective one purpose is to seek solutions that cultivate strong collaborative relationships to build stronger communities empowered to address the circumstances impacting their quality of life. Discussions will inform ICT solutions, and how when properly implemented it can support transperency and accountability, can have a transformative effect on giving people a reason to become interested in technology in general, and the internet specifically. The events will give communities an opportunity to experience the value of creativity in artwork and find solutions to challenges. The goal is a freely available system that facilitates supporting community partners in educating the rest of the community about the roles creativity and ICT can play in addressing issues outlined in the MDG (millinium development goals) one community at a time.


The Event


Irena Gapkovska and i will work together and with artists, presently via the NGO_Art_Studio in Skopje Macedonia but seeking additional artists, to do works exploring this issue for Event:Exhibitions and [Event:Workshop] series. The purpose is to involve the community in planning for such a system to find out what needs they feel the system needs to address. Art:Work here will explore the themes of personal and public accountability and the value of integrity as key quality of life -- civil society and business issues. The workshops will educate and encourage discussion on standards for integrity to stimulate community discussion to inform reform decision making and strengthen civil society.


The Game


stek-jes Technique


Typically, striking is a simple process in which a small amount of the parent plant is removed. This removed piece, called the cutting, is then encouraged to grow as an independent plant. stek-jes - promoting and educating about living a sustainable lifestyle, addressing everything from construction, interior design, clothing, travel and entertainment....Project:Oci_Novosti events will be connected to the events sponsored by this Stek-jes Style Productions which will be seeking top level sponsors who will help set new standards the "green markets". This will be in support of a product we'll be marketing to let suppliers distinguish themselves by making it easy to educate customers about their complete supply chains...making their commitment to sustainable and ecological production a stronger competitive advantage.


Game begins with Attention:Dialogue


(this text will be the basis for one of my installation Art:Works)


Ronald Wopereis says:

perhaps you could write something of this experience into the comfusion pages ? what-is-peace ?

Yvette Dubel says:

hmmm..... yes i'm willing...whether it's what is peace or not , i don't know this feels connected to the new offshoot page it started from a dialogue about corruption which i saw as connected to this inquiry

Ronald Wopereis says:

maybe this is beyond peace ?

Yvette Dubel says:

yes i learned that corruption is dishonesty, lack of integrity and honesty is the antiphon so personal honesty and integrity are what my attention was drawn to and in that inquiry....i've discovered this blissful feeling of being celebrated....and celebrating i did not expect this as the opposite of corruption so i am very surprise and very pleased that page has to be renamed it's now called offshoot what name comes to you?

Ronald Wopereis says:

what is offshoot mean ? i dont know the word

Yvette Dubel says:

hmmm.... it when something comes from something else like a poem could be the offshoot of this dialogue a result that is connected to something else outgrowth: a natural consequence of development

Ronald Wopereis says:

is there an example in nature ?

Yvette Dubel says:

when a new flower grows from the stem on another flower you know how they grow to form a bunch even though in the beginning there was only one stem breeze in!

Ronald Wopereis says:

yes stekjes (dutch term) stekken blah blah blah...

jes = little, so stek-jes is little stek je = little one jes = little ones one stek, two stekken

Yvette Dubel says:

right exactly!

Ronald Wopereis says:

see !

Yvette Dubel says:

yes! that is what the offshoot page was/is in relation to the Project:what-is-peace page a little humming and singing....la de da...


My Favorite Game


Ronald Wopereis says:

what's the game look like ? it follows certain scenario, doesn't it ?

Yvette Dubel says:

it's not a set one it can vary according to my need at the time i think that's why i don't usually play games i don't like the set rules i like computer games like Myst...but don't really think of *games* as fun i think of it as more like what very young children do... you make a game on the spot depending on how you feel, what you have to make use of, etc The Game for me is creating the rules deciding what the game will be playing or observing according to how i feel

Ronald Wopereis says:

that is the infinite game

Yvette Dubel says:

So that's what My Party is

Ronald Wopereis says:

where you play with the rules, instead of by the rules


Pay Attention


Ronald Wopereis says:

see my book


Category: Project


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