

Page history last edited by Ronald Wopereis 16 years, 9 months ago



Cross Over


the reverse of paying attention is To_Radiate_Love

the reverse of paying attention (pull) is to draw Attention to (push).


To pay attention to something is to create a vacuum against this something. With our Attention:Mind we may visualize transferring Attention from the Body paying attention to the Body receiving attention. But in the inner world of attention, the reality is always the opposite of what the Attention:Mind tells us. So the reality is that the body in Need of Attention is in reality empty with Love. By paying attention we RECEIVE attention (mind view). By paying attention we RECEIVE love (our body gets nourished by feeding the other body with love).


In terms of CF_Website:Want_Fusion, the Need for Attention matches the Business:Resource of Love and vice versa. Attention and Love are therefore a Attention:Bilocality.


In terms of Source, Need and Business:Resource, Love is Source and the Need for Love is what creates the Business:Resource called Attention. Therefore Love as a Source converts into the Business:Resource called Attention.


Category: Attention

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