



this is the context of an installation (in Art or otherwise)



As Defined by ArtLex


iinstallation or installation art - Art that is or has been installed arranged in a place either by the artist or as specified by the artist. It might be either site-specific or not, and either indoors or out. The term became widely used in the 1970s and 1980s, and continues to be employed by many people. Installations may be temporary or permanent, but most will be known to posterity through documentation. As a consequence, one aspect of installations is often the difficulty with which they can be commodified.


 A Part of the innovation being explored in the Cultural Fusion series is how certain Ingredients explicitly handled  can create a business model that satisifies that need.  These business models can be more generally applied to addess the needs of businesses and social enterprises in many sectors.


It could be inferred then that this is the defining of a "genre" in Installation art, akin to the Fluxus, Conceptual & Process, Institutional Critique, Earth Art but where historical movements or genres within the realm of Installation are only jumping off points. This series is very much interested in its own evolution and growth within the context being defined in this site and through life experience.


Since my approach to Installation is anchored in Conceptual & Process Art I decided to add a link and page for

Sentences on Conceptual Art by Sol Lewitt




 This addendum to the above linked page has emerged as part of the CF Installation, a public community piece that better represents the fullness (breadth and depth) of what I have been exploring.

date Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 7:50 AM
subject Re: [PBwiki] comfusion: Installation:Art edited
 7:50 AM 



First, let me thank you for your message! I am so excited by your questions and realize you have been paying attention. This is because the bulk of the development has not been posted on the pbwiki but is on my computer and in my notebooks. Why hadn't I uploaded it? Because I didn't think anyone else was paying attention. Your message came as I was pausing from organizing post it notes for the presentation of another piece.


The very point of this series which is based on the concepts discussed in the pbwiki. And one of them is an approach that takes as paramount the value of personal ingredients  and the process of Radical Inclusion

is to take up what feel like the big questions  and stick with them until the answers emerge, for me through and to some degree Ron and others, through the art work  itself rather than purely intellectual analysis.


So your gut feeling [Addendum: your judgements, your feelings, your support, your admiration, your appreciation, etc- See To See_Hear_Feel] is part of the artwork. You contribute that as [your] SoulFood:Ingredient.


I have been writing alot about my own understanding of this in my process. What used to be an intellectual understanding of the metaphysical has become more profound by



but I have not added this material to the pbwiki assuming that it wouldn't matter whether I added it now or a year from now. Your message leads me to question that assumption. I have a ton of material that has not been consistently added over the last year, partly because I didn't want to be bothered with organizing it to post.


I will not use your name unless you give me permission but I will be posting my reply to you on the wiki as this is quite a synchronstic experience for me and it couldn't relate more to the art work.


Thank you again for your message. Feel free to email me with any further thoughts. I appreciate this dialogue.


All the best,





I would add that the Big Question that kicked this off....


Cultural Fusion is an Art:Series in response the question,

"what can i do?" Inspired by the the Millenium Campaign


And the passionate intention that has possessed me...


Each one (project) advance my goal of developing solutions that engage increasing numbers of people in systems that automate global social responsibility (GSR).



 When I started the Project:what-is-peace I learned that it starts with me as an individual. Each piece builds on the next and I can feel there is a movement between them, like a pulse. My feeling about some pieces have changed, most notably Fusion Installatie. It will likely change dramatically as Hotel Infinity has. I am doing a new video series building on what I learned from the previous couple and the new insights. We will see when those get added.










New discoveries (artists)

These are a few new discoveries for me:

Nikos Alexiou

David  Altmejd

Friedensreich Hundertwasser - i've been very interested in his work although he is not really known for installations the depth and range of his work is inspiring to me


Pages in this context


Category: Mapping