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Page history last edited by Ronald Wopereis 16 years, 7 months ago

Fusion Enlightenment



What is Fusion Enlightenment?


Cultural Fusion causes Fusion Enlightenment where CF is about a re-visioning of Business and the ecosystems in which they must thrive and integrates community renewal through creative expression



Blending traits from two different cultures or disciplines to form a new one



Enlightenment(or illumination) broadly means "the acquisition of new wisdom or understanding".


This is the new Project Source:Collaboration



Renaissance: French word for rebirth used here to describe reinvention of the arts, sciences and economics to create a potentially new discipline

A renaissance is the enabler of Enlightenment.


Fusion Enlightenment Group

is Humanity:Ronald_Wopereis and Humanity:Yvette_Dubel inviting Humanity:Erik_MacEachern in to cook with them to create this SoulFood:Menu they can offer to communities based on their Cultural_Fusion SoulFood:Cuisine with a focus on building a SoulFood:Menu of SoulFood:Banquet SoulFood:Meals, SoulFood:Dishes, and SoulFood:Ingredients.


This represents products, services, and experiences based on information, knowledge, insight and shared understanding, which will inform decision makers on targeted niche markets relevant to Cultural_Fusion.


Do you "GET" it ?


WebAntiphon:Clear_CRM_Strategy Brand Solutions:

Giggle CRM

SoulFood Tradition

Comfusion; Cultural Fusion

Global Enlightenment Technologies GET

Global Enlightenment Knowhow GEKKO

Global Enlightenment Knowhow Knock Out contest


Cultural Fusion Group

is Ronald_Wopereis and Yvette_Dubel inviting Irena Gapkovska and other Art:Artists/SoulFood:Cooks in to create SoulFood:Dishes and SoulFood:Meals (Installations) that are unique and specific to the community to which it is being served. These SoulFood:Meals are the base for the Global Enlightenment Knowhow GEKKO CRM Events aimed at community renewal with the Arts at the center.


Fusion Enlightenment


Erik helps to create the business infrastructure for development and implementation of Cultural_Fusion/Comfusion Projects.


Proposed Pilot Projects:

SoulFood:Banquet-Community Renewal through Creative Expression


Bio-fuel and renewable energy

first planned for Zimbabwe and seeking partners to develop projects around the world. Since first expressing this idea i have learned about additional fuel production methods, especially interested in


converting waste to fuel

permaculture insights to guide development


sustainable design that integrates surrounding communal needs


integration of aquaponics- and possible fish farming


eco-friendly building and green operations as much as possible


utilizing/developing ICT solutions to maximize efficiency and transperency



Creating and implementing socially responsible practices for agri-businesses through business practices that allow people to provide for their families and themselves, contribute to the responsible development of their communities, and respect the environment.


There is a one page business plan and fact sheet available for those that are interested in exploring this project.


UN Report- Beyond Scarcity:

Power, Poverty and the global water crisis


Art district

first planned for Skopje Macedonia another Source:Collaboration with Organization:NGO_Art_Studio and also seeking partners to develop plans for other communities.


Art themed hotel

I've found an architect in UK that i want and who is very interested in this project and building my first Installation) Influenced by the stylings of Steven Holl adapted for remodeling old buildings. Requires large warehouse type Event:Exhibition/Project:Gallery Space, conference center(s), luxurious while a bit on the minimalist side...atmosphere has to create context for rotating art exhibits.


Cafe equipped with meeting space and wireless internet

Supportive community programs that involve the community and area businesses in the project. A series of industry events to be held at the hotel (including professional development and trainings for Cultural Fusion related programs and exhbitions) joining forces with Cyres Cafe  for both our online and “in world” art hotel [Hotel Infinity chain.]


Interested in developing inclusive luxury excursions that also advance knowledge and markets for products emerging from:


converting waste to fuel

permaculture insights to guide development


sustainable design that integrates surrounding communal needs


integration of aquaponics- and possible fish farming


eco-friendly building and green operations as much as possible


applying these strategies to reduce operational costs



Tuesday September 19,2006


Here we discover the approach that will be at the heart of the Fusion Enlightenment and the definition of WebAntiphon:Meaningful_Marketing:


Yvette Dubel says:

today it crossed my mind....if ideas are our wealth...how many fortunes are we sitting on?


Erik MacEachern says:

interesting question



Yvette Dubel says:

yes it's my question for the day


Erik MacEachern says:

well then we are idea millionaires

or even more

so perhaps in the spirit of "winning by sharing" - in terms of idea philanthropy -

perhaps we have to nurture each idea like a toddler until it can walk


Yvette Dubel says:

ah....i like that concept



Erik MacEachern says:

then set it free to fly out into eth world


Yvette Dubel says:

because i used birth as the metaphor for ideas


Erik MacEachern says:

I have a saying...... if one truly loves someone, set them free to be themselves, and if the love is mutual, they will return

so the same with ideas


Yvette Dubel says:

and the idea of nurturing the idea once it makes it into the world


ideas like babies enter without packaging and marketing is the dressing for the climate


Erik MacEachern says:

love the idea - give it attention and love, do not stifle it by possessiveness, set it free to be itself, and it will return the love many times over


Yvette Dubel says:

for an idea to be presented as a product/service

so marketing has to be approached in this spirit of love


Erik MacEachern says:

yes exactly


Yvette Dubel says:

yes i like that!

that's a great definition for WebAntiphon:Meaningful_Marketing


Erik MacEachern says:

this is one to share with Ron

yes it is


Yvette Dubel says:

Erik MacEachern says: love the idea - give it attention and love, do not stifle it by possessiveness, set it free to be itself, and it will return the love many times over

a new approach to product development i'd say


Erik MacEachern says:

an intuitive one?


Yvette Dubel says:

intuitive and organic

there should be a page in comfusion development site for this

we now have a definition for WebAntiphon:Meaningful_Marketing

and an approach to product development that i think will define the Fusion Renaissance

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