Original concepts and ideas of interest that unleashed the energy to power the fusion process in the creation of related Art:Works as Research and Development.
Mission: To apply art based approaches to help clients and collaborators address the challenges, explore the ideas of interest to them and experience awareness that sees beyond known needs to discover potential.
COS Netherlands carries out some projects commissioned by NCDO, the national commission for international cooperation and sustainable development. http://www.cossen.nl
Beelddenken is denken in beelden en gebeurtenissen. Het kan worden omschreven als ruimtelijk denken. Beelddenkers ordenen hun 'wereld' met niet-talige middelen. Zij zien beelden van situaties en handelingen, waarin meerdere zaken naast elkaar zichtbaar worden, op elkaar inwerken en een betekenisvol geheel vormen. Het is een dynamisch en woordloos denken, een manipuleren met ruimtelijke voorstellingen.
> Visual Thinking is thinking in images and occasions (happenings). It can be described as spatial thinking. Visual thinkers arrange their world with non-lingual resources. They seeimages of situations and actions, in which multiple objects appear simultaneously, act upon each other and form a meaningful whole. It is a dynamic and
wordless thinking, a manipulating with spatial imaginations.
I include these quotes because they have been with me....lingered for a number of months- some for years. I had pushed through reading, searching for the answers and found my self frustrated until I embraced Self-Referencing_Creativity only then did this project take shape and gain momentum.
"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Albert Einstein
My observation since posting this is that often in Business, marketing or public relations whether "cause marketing" or otherwise--- what is done/intended and what is said do not match.
The consumer seems to perfer the mis-representation as part of the product.
This points me back towards what I had identified as a relationship value in the transaction post linked elsewhere on this page -->related to Ron says with Attention value in PoD.
End User Led Innovation get link on Association of Virtual Worlds
G2Proto has become my new collaborator in this line of research for managing and testing the kind of project being developed in Cultural Fusion. In 2006 with iFOSSF I started research on ICT systems. This year with ReactionGrid's research project I am now wading in the water of similar research in 3D virtual world.
At the same time I have been invited to join the Morphle team developing Cobalt software and related hardware innovations. This series will be part of the R&D and showcase for this revolutionary technology. Of course, I have accepted the offer. I will be using their product(s) to roll out the inaugural issue of Oci Novosti to be integrated into the 3D virtual world using both the ReactionGrid hosted metavers AND the 3D browser based world I am developing.
In addition to the value they bring to Cultural Fusion in terms of hardware, their team brings the deep knowledge netowork to help bring this series to the next level.
Art as Philosophy is taking added dimensions in exploring modern art (self referencing creativity) and what it has to offer humanity through the work produced. And the only artist I am in charge of is me, so it starts there. This project is shaping up to do exactly what it set it out to do, and most likely it is going to be so much better when it is "ready". I wish I had saved screen shots of the previous pbwiki design because I have planned to used them for a series showing an age progression of this site, the ideas, the work and people interact with it.
One of the things I am delighted about its opportunities to play with paradoxes. For example, I started the labyrinth from a painting I had done (clay on canvas board) thinking it would be the courtyard (center) of cfHotel Infinity. Now I discover something even better!
It is both the center (courtyard) AND the entrance of cfHotel Infinity.
Personal fabrication isn't a term I invented but it describes the same situation- opportunity space.
You can see how/where this connects with Project:what-is-peace? and is the key to developing and thriving in this new industry. Forget the way it has been done, and what you learned from the business experts. That is not what this is and there are plenty of people who are happy to pay attention to that with you. What this is about is a new emerging market and the art that is inspired by these customers and the businesses taking shape to serve them through collaboration.
Neil Gershenfeld teaches a class at MIT called "How To Make (almost) Anything," where the students have access to high-level tools on which the university spends millions of dollars. He expected his course to be a lab for the top engineering students to master the machines. Instead, he is finding that non technical students are showing up and and bringing varied backgrounds to bear on exploiting the possibilities and capabilities of the newest technology available.
"One student, a sculptor with no engineering background," he reports, "made a portable personal space for screaming that saves up your screams and plays them back later. Another made a Web browser that lets parrots navigate the Net."
"From this combination of passion and inventiveness", he goes on, "I began to get a sense that what these students are really doing is reinventing literacy. Literacy in the modern sense emerged in the Renaissance as mastery of the liberal arts. This is liberal in the sense of liberation, not politically liberal."
It seems to support the idea that artists might be the well equipped to lead the way in how to find and harness this potential.
How do we create services, processes and systems to engage the most creative thinkers around the world, each in their respective fields of expertise to collaborate on the BIG Questions in a way that applifies progress?
What if one can always collaborate with people who are committed to adding social value to each transaction or project?
How does this change results? What impact on social capital and growth potential?
The evolving, emerging understanding of customer makes this contrast to the historical status quo more distinctive, not only in clarifying market segments but how business is done- projects developed, processes managed, etc,
I believe that in cfHotel Infinitiy we will be able to serve markets of one and always operate in a surplus. It is not a matter of restucturing the old, but an adventure to create something new.
Today I got a service (instead of technical group class- I got a private class session focusing on my specific issue/questions) which gave me more than I expected,- solved multiple challenges by engaging one contact around something we share VR- our Source:Sonvergence G2Proto (get link to Association VW profile) host our lab and has been my chief inworld technical consultant, marketing by use your own product and share it method. Since I was paying special attention having realized that game play had begun I was watching to see how this works.
I first explored the serious gaming concepts with Millanium and Neogence Studio, since the game story has connections for different worlds we will develop them for different system contexts. I did not know how it would begin, but what I wanted was 1. Our own space independent of SL, nothing against the software but I have a feeling of it as a space. I want to find out what this space is. ReactionGrid gives us that space to explore what it is and what I can do with it. 2. I wanted to learn enough about how 3D implementation works to adequately test my ideas and plan large scale projects done on loal levels.
The lab concept was one I expanded expanded in iFOSSF SL ThinkTank. The shared connection is our interest in using ICT and virtual world as proposed in ths project. So instead of endeavoring to create the whole cfHotel Infinity right now I am working on the version or wing that will hold the research center and crm strategy oriented "commercial space" (for lack of better words) as proof of concept and the first generation of the series advancing automated social responsibiity systems as part of the personal fabrication revolution that takes us beyond empty materialism or emotional manipulation. Instead the game calls the players attention to their real lives and it is positive engagement in the real world that determines game play.
This is not developed as a business or organization or even a collective this is artists creating a game. This used to be of thought as Serious Gaming application for vitural worlds. In Cultural Fusion this is re-envisioned and re-created as art within the game cfProsperous Play and Intentional Playfulness (formerlly called project management) to harness flow to meet the needs for production, etc. to serve and cultivate "personal fabrication" sectors within a range of industries both existing and emerging. This isn't for everybody, but as increasing numbers of people decide to take the leap of faith to realize their greatest dreams and highest ideals, this can be a chance for a commerical sector to emerge that does change the world for the better.
And so a new art form....an art movement and many art series seems not only possible, but likely.
what makes life worth living?
In art, the best we have to offer as human beings has been waiting to merge with our highest potential as creative beings. Going to the source of my question has led me to at last see this manifesting through Cultural Fusion. What is it to be inspired by our highest ideals and realization of our Passion as service to the world?
Using art to create an art based soluton, Cultural Fusion embraces but does not seek to be what business or institutions have been. This is series is a way to describe and share what Cultural Fusion is, while the projects will open this expeience to share ever more widely through each individuals choice about the level in which they will engage and be engaged.
In Business there are companies that serve consumer and some that serve the right customers, so it is not a matter of right or wrong but rather I feel it informs these ideas about value distinction in:
1. Brand Identify (old language)
Art=conscious creations connecting with people instead of Branding where people connect with images/illusions=unconscious creations- building a collaborative art series where the community defines the Projects, products, and services delivered. The result of SoulFood recipes is this Culture - way of connecting (Cultural Fusion) that is also a Cuisine.
SoulFood insights informing the recipe:
In the same way that flambe is a technique used in cooking, it is also a process that figures prominently into a dish that is diffrent from ordinary techniques like stirring. So it is with Cultural Fusion as a way of combinign ingredients to create something new using a recipe as the base.
Flambé (also spelled flambe; pronounced /flɒmˈbeɪ/) is a cooking procedure in which alcohol (ethanol) is added to a hot pan to create a burst of flames. The word means flamed in French (thus, in French, flambé is a past participle; the verb is flamber).
It is typically done to create an impressive visual presentation at a dramatic point in the preparation of a meal. The flames result from the combustion of the flammable alcohol, which is quickly consumed, subsequently extinguishing the flames.
Although the practice of igniting food for show can be traced to the Moors in the 14th century, modern flambéing was discovered in Monte Carlo in 1895, when Henri Carpentier, a waiter, accidentally set fire to a pan of crêpes he was preparing for the future Edward VII of the United Kingdom. He discovered that burning the sauce affected its flavor in a way that he could not have anticipated.[1]
Simply lighting food on fire is not flambéing in and of itself. Igniting a sauce with alcohol in the pan changes the chemistry of the food. Because alcohol boils at 78 °C (172 °F), water boils at 100 °C (212 °F) and
at 160 °C (320 °F), ignition of all these ingredients combined results in a complex chemical reaction, especially as the surface of the burning alcohol exceeds 240 °C (500 °F ). However, because taste is a very subjective sense, not everyone can discern a change in flavor as a result of flambéing.
At another level, Cultural Fusion is to Comfusion what the Big Bang is to the Milky Way. It is an example of conscious creation from this level of Source,
According to the Big Bang model, the universe expanded from an extremely dense and hot state and continues to expand today. A common and useful analogy explains that space itself is expanding, carrying galaxies with it, like raisins in a rising loaf of bread. General relativistic cosmologies, however, do not actually ascribe any 'physicality' to space.
How do we approach the creation of solutions that are conceived from this deeper place to address challeges in a way that applies what I have learned about alternatives to protest art - inclusion - and deliver the "ultimate answer"?
a. From Ron's profile: "With any business development, a new idea starts out with a question. Departing from this question is a project, a collaboration. And sometimes a whole series of projects, of products and services, originates from the passion that is shaped by asking what is core inside the question."
This is the feeding of the part and whole simultaneously.
Each individual comes with their hunger, need, or question- needs of the parts.
You know, in Kirlian style photography the seed that is in front of the camera suddenly rises to the whole plant. That in essence is what happens to the question, which carries the energy of the whole project, of the ultimate answer. This is the parts integrated to meet the nees of the whole that does not exist as such without the parts.
b. Endorsements help defines SoulFood and Cultural Fusion brands (SoulFood:Ingredients) as art with purpose and Clear CRM Strategy Solutions by illuminating their own context and perspectives.
The brand is defined by "the place inside" where all involved in creation/delivery Converge with those it benefit.
“I have also the honour to announce her as one of the global partners of the globally active virtual organization, the SICU Synergy Solutions Group (SICU SSG Las Vegas). Yvette is an inborn multilateral thinker, and a creative with a capital C. She is a great collaboration partner, who has over again shown her ability to to connect the seemingly unconnected through her multidimensional project, the Cultural Fusion, among many other things. I warmly recommend her as a co-creator and collaboration partner for anybody.” October 9, 2008
TOM Merilahti (Tom@Sicusynergy.org), Founder, Marketing Integrator & Communication Coordinator, SICU (Synergy Integrated - Connects the Unconnected)
worked directly with Yvette at Cultural Fusion-CSR Solutions
“Yvette is one of the lucky few to have been the source of inspiration on a graphic design/illustration project we worked together on. Can't wait to do something again -- what fun!” August 26, 2008
Top qualities: Personable, High Integrity, Creative
“Yvette is wonderfully creative and passionate, as well as a great evangelist for art, culture, and technology. She is definitely a thought and idea leader, and worth listening to. It is always a pleasure talking to and working with Yvette. I always walk away feeling invigorated and inspired.” July 18, 2008
was with another company when working with Yvette at Cultural Fusion-CSR Solutions
“Yvette is one of the most productive and creative people that I have ever had the pleasure to work with. Yvette also has a vast array of experiences and is one of the most intelligent persons I have known in my life.” May 17, 2008
Andy Skadberg, Assistant Research Scientist, Texas A&M University
was with another company when working with Yvette at Cultural Fusion-CSR Solutions
“I would highly, recommend Yvette for her professionalism and profound understanding to many important issues of concerns to many human begin. Yvette, has the unique ability to see the importance of transparency so people without honor can not hide their misdeeds behind veils of silence and closed door deals. Her project of transparency has very fresh outlook and meaningful approach where we all need to see from her eyes. My best wishes Yvette, Mona” March 24, 2008
“Yvette is a great artist on a mission; she is a woman of extraordinary talents and abilities; she has a big vision on how to make societal changes that will improve the lives of millions. I really appreciate her kindness and wisdom. I am proud to count Yvette in my circle of close friends. I highly recommend her.” January 19, 2008
was with another company when working with Yvette at Cultural Fusion
“Yvette is the Source Artist and Ideas Officer in terms of her specialization as a consultant Specialize in relationship strategy in the framework of CRM (customer relationship management) and CSR/GSR (global social responsibility) based on meeting needs for meaningful marketing, expanding stakeholder rewards, community and economic development. Yvette your Attention, appreciation, and kindness are dearly regarded by the ufp management team” February 27, 2007
Top qualities: Great Results, Expert, High Integrity
hired Yvette as a Writer/Editor in 2005, and hired Yvette more than once
“Yvette is a deeply intuitive and insightful person who has a real talent for spotting connections between seemingly unconnected dots. She has a real talent for distilling complex issues down to the simple steps which will move a project forward. Our work on dialogues at many levels has helped me in many aspects of my own business and I look forward to helping Yvette to bring Cultural Fusion into the world at large. It is a privilege to be working in the Fusion team with Yvette.” October 15, 2006
was with another company when working with Yvette at Cultural Fusion
“I don't know how it's up there in the US, but here in Europe, business tends to become increasingly feminine. Many small business owners that i speak with, already realize this important change in the way things work. So how smart could you get to invite a woman like Yvette as your business counsellor for CRM - remember the R stands for RELATIONSHIPS. Let me know if you need to know more...” August 1, 2006
“Yvette is a one-woman idea generation corporation. I must admit that I failed to follow her pace of creativity. A real wealth of resources!” July 21, 2008
Philippe Nicolaï-Dashwood, GuanXi Wan Architect / Business Connection Broker / Network Angel, Xing / Ryze / Soflow / Viadeo
was with another company when working with Yvette at WebAntiphon Corporation
“Yvette is very passionate about what she does and probably thats what makes her stand out with so many clients I worked with. She is very patient and communicates her expectation very clearly upfront. Its fun to work for someone like Yvette. I strongly recommend Yvette if you are looking for someone who can execute projects within budget and doesnt compromise with quality.” February 21, 2008
was a consultant or contractor to Yvette at WebAntiphon
“Yvette is the most driven person I've ever encountered. I've never met a person who's so energetic or passionate about her work and about helping humanity (not just making money). She's an innovative big-picture-thinker and keeps all the bases covered. Its a pleasure to be working with her and I'm looking forward to the millions of projects we'll do together in the future (and the millions of dollars!!) -I strongly recommend her!” December 5, 2006
was with another company when working with Yvette at WebAntiphon Corporation
“Hi Yvette here is a new endorsement just to let you know that my perspective on life has shifted into a new paradigm, thanks to your explanation of SoulFood (http://comfusion.pbwiki.com/SoulFood). There's something inside telling me that i just got home. With deep gratitude, your buddy in dialogue Ron.” July 7, 2006
Ronald Wopereis, Club Leader - Attention as a Product, Ecademy
worked directly with Yvette at WebAntiphon Corporation
“Yvette is phenomenally responsive to take her participation in our Art Studio project and she is very capable person to contribute in establishing completlly new model for the global changes through the arts, creativity and education.. The upcoming project Cultural Fusion will impact the cultural exchanges programmes in all comuniites in Macedonia Europe and USA irena” May 25, 2006
“Out of all the people I have met through networking Yvette is the only one I have been so impressed with for her absolute ability to get the bigger picture, she can see where you want to go when others can't and she will get you there with style and class. I love this woman and cannot recommend her enough and I have been so lucky to have the opportunity to work with her” May 23, 2006
“Yvette and I collaborate on ventures for shared client bases from time to time. Yvette's commitment to success for her clients, her team at Webantipon and her network is inspirational. I have no problem recommending Yvette and look forward to working with her team more in the future.” March 28, 2006
worked directly with Yvette at WebAntiphon Corporation
“Yvette and I worked together on a white paper, and I was impressed by her evident commitment to, and knowledge of, her field, which is relationship building and social capital applied to business. She practices what she preaches. She was quick to reply to my queries, and was superprompt with payment. All in all, a very pleasant experience that I hope will be repeated.” March 8, 2006
“I've been working with Yvette and WebAntiphon for six months and have been immensely impressed with the vision, innovation and dedication they are able to provide clients. There is noone else I would trust more with strategic planning on CRM and marketing projects than Duble and WebAntiphon.” October 28, 2005
Yvette really knows how to connect on a deeper level, blowing you away with the total oppenness and vulnerability that chracterizes real strong people. I would recmmend anyone to connect to this woman. She tought me, by asking a simple question how you can be succesful, and still keep your mind open towards the ones you connect with. Thanks for that lesson!
Yvette is the real deal. I would not hesitate to put you in contact with her for she is not only a woman of integrity but perhaps even more importantly today , a woman of ACTION. Her enthusiasm, her passion and compassion fuel her real desire to make a difference in this world. She is a real lightworker. Hugs.unstoppable coach frankie picasso
Yvette is my team mate and co-founder with myself and Andy Skadberg of "World Reverence For Life University .com" and "jamaicareverenceforlifeuniversity.synthasite.com". You have to experience her wonderful energy to understand her awesome grasp of our common need to share ourselves and our gifts with one another. Her dream for culture fusion to become a model through which all of us will be able to create a new caring world together is now a reality in many ways. Thank you Yvette for being the anchor of human compassion that you truly are.
Yvette is truly the BEST! Professionally, intellectually and personally, she excels. I have had the great fortune to be working in her new models for collaboration. Her dedication to "making a difference" IS! Our most recent endeavor Reverence for Life University is going to bring in a new paradigm for education. If you want to join a team that is helping people to achieve their individual destinies, collaboratively, connect up with Yvette. Thanks Yvette for your passion, dedication and friendship. I tell my friends in all seriousness, that she is my angel.
It does help to have a positive response when interacting with anyone. With Yvette she is overwhelming in her excitement and and I can only describe her as gleeful. Not many around I can say that about. All the best, Joe
Yvette is one classy woman. In recent skype chats i discovered that she and i are on the same path. Ofcourse each one of us chooses their own form. Her's is in CRM and social capital. After talking with her, i realized the question that keeps me busy : how can we redefine relationship in such a way, that it reflects the quantum theory of human exchange of energy aka attention? I intend to stay close with her, as i expect to learn a lot more from her. Thanks much Yvette ! Best regards, Ron
c. Multilateral Co-operative Infrastructures- a new look at CRM Strategy Solutions
In contrast to traditional product development, marketing and public relations the market defines the products by their needs- Customers are collaborators, Cultural Fusion provies an organic systematic approach for this kind of customization.
What are the right questions to ask?
How to address the issue of scaling in personal fabricationto serve global needs?
Work with leaders- following resonance as the guide for where to invest Attention, Love/Passion, time, connections, etc.
IFOSSF is the organizational research partner for this project
Pros and Cons
Association of Virtual Worlds offers an organizational bridge
Cultural Fusion is the "ad hoc" bridge for smaller groups and individuals
Note- Add link to End user led innovation blogs ifossf, association of virutal worlds, cultural fusion@ning
i. “Their was a newfound appreciation when I connected with Yvette, that demonstrated that the possibilities of blind trust and respect are not just virtues, but a gift that someone gives and receives within the same moment... I connected with Yvette and her profound and absolutely unique vision for art, and understood immediately that her grasp on futuristic thinking within a diverse universal need to "fuse" cultures is not only a must but surely the new revolution of traveled paths... I can with sound spirit say that I am grateful to know that individuals such as Yvette are the ground pieces needed to continue to build bridges for mankind in the most stimulating and non prejudice ways...to bring forth cultural understanding in the most stimulating way, meaning art… Yvette’s accomplishments and forward moving ventures are investment for mankind, I can only recommend that anyone that is looking to expand their and others horizons, and wants to be part of a globally uniting factor, should seriously consider marching interests with Yvette and invest in her vision, may this be through, time, effort, product or finance!” October 25, 2008
was a consultant or contractor to Yvette at Cultural Fusion-CSR Solutions
Application of the "supertask" via SoulFood:Cooking to the complex challenges facing humanity today. This is a quantum leap from multilateral thinking and systems thinking into the experience of the holon. SoulFood informs the production method that takes this next step for applying knowledge/experience of the holon. See: cf Hotel Infinity and the Rooms in said space.
In mathematics, the German mathematician David Hilbert (1862 – 1943) presented the following paradox about infinity:
In a hotel with a finite number of rooms, once it is full, no more guests can be accommodated. Now imagine a hotel with an infinite number of rooms. You might assume that the same problem will arise when all the rooms are taken. However, there is a way to solve this: if you move the guest occupying room 1 to room 2, the guest occupying room 2 to room 3, etc., you can fit the newcomer into room 1. Note that such a movement of guests would constitute a supertask.
Probably the biggest lesson and the source of my greatest frustration has been to understand how important it is to know when you are asking the wrong question.
Ron you fix this because I know the translation is not exactly right?
since the page is still locked (sorry I left the page open while I was doing something else-didn't expect you to have time until end of the week)
i figured emailing you the txlation of the MJK (Maria J Krabbe) Stichting (Foundation) Beelddenken (Visual Thinking) of which i am a board member
Beelddenken is denken in beelden en gebeurtenissen. Het kan worden omschreven als ruimtelijk denken. Beelddenkers ordenen hun 'wereld' met niet-talige middelen. Zij zien beelden van situaties en handelingen, waarin meerdere zaken naast elkaar zichtbaar worden, op elkaar inwerken en een betekenisvol geheel vormen. Het is een dynamisch en woordloos denken, een manipuleren met ruimtelijke voorstellingen.
> Visual Thinking is thinking in images and occasions (happenings). It can be described as spatial thinking. Visual thinkers arrange their world with non-lingual resources. They see
> images of situations and actions, in which multiple objects appear simultaneously, act upon each other and form a meaningful whole. It is a dynamic and
> wordless thinking, a manipulating with spatial imaginations.
Nu is het zo dat wij allemaal in meer of mindere mate in beelden denken. Echter bij een klein aantal mensen is sprake van dominant beelddenken. Deze manier van denken heeft zowel voor- als nadelen. Een voordeel is dat beelddenkers complexe situaties in een oogopslag overzien. Het is een hele vlugge manier van denken. Een nadeel is dat ze, datgene wat ze overzien, niet altijd even vlug en makkelijk in taal of in getallen kunnen omzetten. Daardoor zijn ze soms moeilijk te volgen voor anderen.
> Now, to a variable degree, we all think in images. A small number of people however have a dominancy in visual thinking. This way of thinking has
> both advantages and disadvantages. An advantage is that visual thinkers oversee complex situations in a blink of the eye. It is a very fast way of thinking. A disadvantage is that they can not always very fast and easy translate into language or into numbers that which they oversee. For this reason tey are sometimes hard to follow for others.
U kunt zich waarschijnlijk wel voorstellen dat beelddenken in onze maatschappij, waarin taal een erg belangrijke rol speelt, tot problemen kan leiden. Ook in het onderwijs kunnen zich moeilijkheden voordoen, vooral ook op het gebied van lezen en schrijven, maar ook op het gebied van rekenen. Deze moeilijkheden worden veroorzaakt door een discrepantie tussen de manier waarop in ons onderwijssysteem de leerstof wordt aangeboden en de manier waarop beelddenkers met deze leerstof omgaan. We spreken dan ook van 'systeemgerelateerde onderwijsleerproblemen'.
> You can probably imagine that in our society, where language plays a very important role, visual thinking can lead to problems. Also in education can
> problems occur, especially also in the field of reading and writing, but also in the field of calculations. These difficulties are caused by a discrepancy
> between the way in which our education system offers the curriculum and the way in which visual thinkers deal with this curriculum. We thus speak of
> 'system-related educational learning problems'
Come and join me on Ecademy Club "Follow Me - learn how to become the Warren Buffet of the Atttention Economy"
I consider that another thing has happened in the way that our brains now interface with technology. Because it is easier to access information and resources on terms that I define I have more fun doing it. When the business ideas emerging from that are ahead of the curve, that means the position is a drop on the crest of the wave -and how to communicate "I see the shore ahead" to the drops of water beneath the surface?
It seems that perspective determines positioning or is it the other way around?
The perspective of the drops of water making up the wave is to BE THE CHANGE.
Another perspective is to be one on the shore using old models and theories based on that limitation in perspective. (replace "your business" with "your organization")
One has to go first, there are the first few drops that arrive on the shore in such close proximity of time of each other that it appears simultaneous from the outside. Who knows first that the ecosystem is changing and can see what those changes look like?
The challenge is more than one of a limited vocabulary in a way of thinking/seeing.
What is the incentive to take the time required to work out and share a grand vision?
The incentives will be different for each one, so the question is not a general one. It is specific.
If encountering and then accepting another way of being means it might cause change then most people will resist or deny it....refuse to see. That seems to be because it requires energy, free Attention I think Ron would call it.
So the context itself has to nourish and meet each person on their individual terms.
The gap between the place of fear and what lies on the side of the unknown is treated like an abyss.
Desmond would say, one can't see until one has the skills. What is required is more than a new vocabulary or tool.
What is required is a new context.
This is what the artists that can create this context to form an inventory of bridges that also encompass a way to develop the needed skills without requiring anyone to change to begin participating. This process however has change-growth as the result but it is not about teach or training, it is sharing and collaboration that creates Understanding.
And it must satisfy a market of one.
The benefit of this is that 1+1=3
Multilateral Thinking
See: These definitions originates from 1967, but how would you define "Multilateral Thinking"?
My reply: And a great question. For myself, I define multilateral thinking as being able to see multiple perspectives or sides of a situation/thing without losing sight of the whole. That is not only the parts of the thing being observed, but also that object as part of a larger whole.
I think the holon is still the best expression I have encountered to express this:
A holon (Greek: holos, "whole") is something that is simultaneously a whole and a part. The word was coined by Arthur Koestler in his book The Ghost in the Machine (1967, p. 48).
Systems Thinking is another framework that applies and that I have referenced, especially in economic and community development projects.
Systems thinking is a discipline for seeing wholes. It is a framework for seeing interrelationships rather than things, for seeing patterns of change rather than static “snapshots.” The Fifth Discipline, The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization, Senge, (Doubleday: 1990)
However, since in cultural fusion (art as philsophy and art with purpose created using the SoulFood model) as a Source:Artist my job is to explore self referencing creativity applied to the broader perspective (whole) that is perceived and understood here in the context of
Transformed into a new expression called Source Art birthed through a Source:Artist, her process is rooted in SoulFood.
SoulFood uses what the Hotel Infinity called a "super task" - but in this context moves happen as part of Prosperos Play so there are not "task" certainly none that are difficult requiring super human ability.
In prosperous each step is akin to a Game Move or Game:Stroke to work its magic so the phases of production after conception can not be put into traditional project management terms/boxes. This is what is really meant by "cooking"
Rather it represents the personal experience, amplified by context of art, of the quantum leap needed to experience quantum relaity in meaningful ways whether that be quantum economies, quantum computing, etc. To deliver "the ultimate answer".
2. Messaging campaigns- Sharing
Instead of messages about selling, the messages are of inspired sharing
First of all, the two units of attention need to be bilocality. This means that these two people share common ground and have complementary expertise. Thus two one-dimensional attention elements, structured upon a third element called "common ground", create a two-dimensional triangle. This is reflected in the formula : 1 + 1 = 3
Next, the two people each withdraw 1.2 units from the result of 3. This is a 20% profit from their previous 1 unit of attention. The 20% profit is called "learning" - i "learned" something. The complementary aspect can be verified by statements such as "i could never have done this by my self". A successful combination creates something that is new to both of the investors.
Finally, when both investors have withdrawn their 1.2 units, a remainder of 0.6 is for the third player. And this 0.6 again is 20% of the resulting 3.
The winning formula of attention is that two people invest complementary attention, and three people make a 20% profit. A truly win-win-win situation.
Best regards, Ron
4. Market positioning based on where value is delivered
a. See 1.
b. See Comment response to this post on SICU from Kurt Lykke Lindved
"...The politicians have, unfortunately, taken the advantage of this kind of lifestyle many times without being aware of the fact that culture might be the biggest progress for the human race to survive and keep the spirit alive.
My best regards,
CBC News – Arts and Entertainments.
Tories cut funding for artists touring abroad
Ideology played a role in decision, spokesperson acknowledges
Last Updated: Monday, August 11, 2008 | 9:55 AM ET Comments120Recommend50
“Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.” Albert Einstein
c. Instead of Competition
Source:Convergence and Contrast
I have found the converging points to transition between the old which is crumbling and the new which is emerging by paying attention to the source of matter, not by focusing on the problem but devoting free attention to the solution(s) via the energy of the core question. These are the points that are addressed in Cultural Fusion.
How to unknow instead of defending your position, so that you can see new alternatives - a way out. Not by avoidance but by healing the heart of the issues.
Ron will you select some endorsements of Attention and its effects, your application of your insights, etc?
Partnership; 1-10 employees; Architecture & Planning industry
March 2006 – Present (2 years 8 months)
With any business development, a new idea starts out with a question. Departing from this question is a project, a collaboration. And sometimes a whole series of projects, of products and services, originates from the passion that is shaped by asking what is core inside the question.
You know, in Kirlian style photography the seed that is in front of the camera suddenly rises to the whole plant. That in essence is what happens to the question, which carries the energy of the whole project, of the ultimate answer.
Attention Architecture is an almost forgotten tradition, originating from the oral traditions of soulfood cuisine. I first found out when i was working with a chef-cook in CRM Strategy. For ten years she had sought after her mission in life; and now more and more people from around the globe, they step forward to help shape this wonderful project that is Cultural Fusion - the answer to the question of "what can i do?" - inspired by the Millennium Campaign.
From an artistic perspective it is a virtual Ring_Galaxy called Comfusion. This Ring_Galaxy is created by an Event called Cultural_Fusion that happens over a period of time, like the creation of an actual place. This site gives you a glimpse into the complex process involved in birthing what will make up Cultural_Fusion, as well as insight into what it is evolving to become...a simulated environment for creating models for living (personal growth, business growth, community renewal and economic development, etc.) that make a culture of peace based on global social responsiblity possible and sustainable. This virtual space provides a "testing" or lab space for new ways of collaborating to expand the concept of profit to include Social_Capital. The Art:Series is the response to the question "what can i do?" inspired by The Millennium Campaign.
A primary consideration is that this Project promote the application and development of FOSS (free open source software) inspired open business models to insure equal access for developing and disadvantaged communities ;while creating bridges to opportunities for as many as possible.
The new site will be a starting point for collaborative exploration in developing solutions for you, project implementations for Pras' Practical Utopia and Network Research Institute (new pages coming) as points of convergence with the first visitors/residents/members and sponsors to Hotel Infinity. Phase 2 will represent headway in developing the more 3D virtual world for real world applications. Moving us ever closer to the place where WebAntiphon:Clear_CRM_Strategy automates Global Social Responsibility.
The Fusion_Enlightenment through SoulFood Tradition concept paper draft (second) was completed November 26, 2006
Answering a call
When we seek to answer the calls of suffering it is important to question the kind of help offered and the context of the situation and at the same time who can turn a blind ear/eye to those being slaughtered? How can we be a part of the next chapter?
As a social enterprise Cultural Fusion supports grassroots economic development by working with those organizations already providing support in their respective fields. Instead of duplicating what exists we are interested in strengthening the bridges to access and those that can connect us for the best.
Over the years i have done more than one blog post or email mailing about the Genocide in Darfur. In my quest to understand how this continues i have had to turn inwards to ask myself, what-is-peace? because i understand that it is a journey that begins with self. That is the journey that our Project endeavors to offer to everyone. What can we learn from each other?
Status quo
It has been pointed out to me more than once that research shows that society has grown apathetic to the suffering of others. However, i think it is worth pointing out that this is not universally true. Rather the suffering of some is easier to turn a blind eye to for (some) people.
From the perspective of this project as an art series this "reality" speaks to a concept addressed in one of the projects...the Immortal_Ego:Sadistic_Ophelia. In fact, Kerry Santo and i had a dialogue that is posted there speaks specifically to our creations as a reaction to that...Rather than developing marketing that caters to that the position made via "Sadistic Ophelia" is that those people then need to be willing to confront that reality and truth of who they have chosen to be. The Immortal Ego as Kerry's brainchild on which we collaborate and she has agreed to have her Scarybirds site be a solar system in our galaxy.
When history looks back at the multiple genocides, the systematic degradation of the planet happening in our lifetime i think people need to be able to face that they are the people who would have this happen again AND my art series aspires to document those who would not, with a special interest on those businesses, groups, and individuals that stand for making a difference. There is no great mystery about how we got this world we now have...it is the direct result of our personal and collective choices. What can we learn from what has worked or failed?
As it stands it is the least soulful art which commands the most attention and value...the worse businesses that are immortalized in "protest art" i am presenting an alternative to protest art- "art as philosophy" as a vehicle/framework for meaningful marketing. So rather than going for a "mass consumption" approach i'm more interested in the "boutique markets"; people who are making conscious choices about who they will be and doing so for the better of humanity.
As in any art, it isn't meant to appeal to everyone.
Organization:FootstepsForLife - a UK based charity that helps HIV/AIDS orphans in Africa specifically and impoverished children in general. I have worked with one of their board members Humanity:Bonny_Umeadi and we have discussed a long term connection between the organization, whose purpose is fundraising to support the projects. I am interested in developing the Cultural Fusion projects as a revenue stream for funding to support vital grassroots work.
International Free Open Source Software Foundation -Its mission is to accelerate the development and usage of Information and Communication Technologies with Free and Open Source Software worldwide for sustained economic and social development, especially for the socially disadvantaged.
Dianne Lang FoundationTo pursue the virtues of truth, charity, to actively assist those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS, philanthropy & tolerance, to protect the innocent and defend the right to life. Operating two children homes volunteers are needed to care for the children.http://www.diannelang.com/index.htm
Goodwill Social Work Center- The centre aims to promote the overall development of children, youth and women in rural and urban areas in India, who are socially and economically deprived; to provide family centred home based intensive services to children, youth and women in dysfunctional families in slums and backward areas in India; to sensitise rural and urban children and women on various environmental issues and concerns through education, training and communication; to create public awareness on the rights of the child and women and to work for the promotion, protection and defence of children's and women's rights.http://www.goodwillsocialworkcentre.org/
NGO Art Studiois organization established on the idea to give the talented people a chance to learn about fine arts in the field of painting, drawing, sculpture, and we are making a great effort to initiate computer animation and design as equal part of our project.http://www.ngoartstudio.org.mk
IRC Although no relationship yet exist with the organization I have an interest in developing a project series to benefit their work. The International Rescue Committee serves refugees and communities victimized by oppression or violent conflict worldwide. Founded in 1933, the IRC is committed to freedom, human dignity, and self-reliance. This commitment is expressed in emergency relief, protection of human rights, post-conflict development, resettlement assistance, and advocacy. They have a pre-existing partnership option: Cause-Marketing PromotionsPartner with the IRC on cause-related marketing programs and corporate advertising campaigns to benefit the cause, the consumers, and the company.If you have are connected to or have Business:Contacts in within the organization, an introduction would be appreciated :-)
The plan is that 35% of each project will benefit the above partnering organizations according the attention paid and direct assistance with any given event or project.I am interested in, at the close of an event, the individual works of components in an installation can be auctioned off and the ongoing projects will generate sustainable revenue streams to support important work that is distributed among the members and beneficiaries according to the quality of attention paid to the projects susccess.
And although there is no agreement in place and there has been no discussion with Amnesty International I'm eager to explore how our project(s) can benefit the organization that helped to awaken in me the value of ONE ensured that the band U2 would have a treasured place in my memory of such.
Cultural Fusion from the ground up
In this case that should probably be from the soul outward, but anyway....
As the Cultural_FusionSource:Artist who developed the concepts informing this work along with Ronald Wopereis. Ron provides insight and support on applying/exploring his work with Attention, as well as making introductions to advance our work. I develop the art projects, build project teams and assist with Project:Management to support the implementation of project plans. Organization:iFOSSF is our research partner and Pras_Anand is joining forces with us to advance his work with social computing and "Practical Utopia". In addition we have a growing group of collaborators and team members (mostly) listed Humanity and supporters at various Cultural Fusion Outposts including zaadz
Each WebAntiphon:Clear_CRM_Strategy solution is approached in the context of its place as an Art:Work in the Art:Series. Some customers are co-artists (part of the development team), some are end users of the community enterprise systems and games emerging and then we have collaborators called Sponsors.
Blended reality - For example
A real in world Installation with a virtual counterpart that will evolve through artists insights combined with audience/participant interaction. At the end it will comprise of Installation stations. The InstallationProject will tour and each station will be added during the tour based on audience interaction/behavior from the previous exhibition.
I want to find a transportation service using renewable energy or biofuel alternative to help promote the tour. (That would be an example of a sponsorship opportunity.) Most of the Installations also seek to utilize and familarize audiences with new materials and technology that support the radical changes in lifestyle, production, consumption, and disposal that are needed to address major issues such as global warming and global dimming within the next 10 years.
The Hotel_Infinitywebsite is the portal that will link the in world events to the online ones to expand the audiences in real time….as archived events they will be part of the Hotel Gallery or the Knowledge Library (as there will be hosted discussions etc) that can be used as part an online marketing strategy.
If you have a contact management software that works for both PC and mobile devices, Cultural_Fusion events are your launch event, R&D, or relationship building opportunity. As we face issues associated with overflowing landfills new industries emerge (i.e. textiles made from recycled plastics) and need to be introduced in a memorable context to connect with existing/potential customers. If you connect with your endusers, everyone else will follow.
Once upon a time there was a question....amplified by the millions it gave way to an antiphon that would be more than words. It would provide the sparks that ignited Cultural Fusion. By the millions, even billions, humans are realizing that we need a story that unites us to act in the interest of the common good.
After reading about Simmulism I felt it provided the perfect context for this experiment. An endeavor into the feasibility of creating a culture of peace...a simulation environment that could be used to "test" new models for community and economic development based on public-private partnerships and the value of the individual.
"How will you fund this research? You need to build a lab, hire experts, get equipment...where will the money come from? ...This all seems perfectly lovely but unless you show how this can make money who's going to care?" asked the well meaning passers-by. "How does this help me?" asked most. That's when the soul of this project gained strength...I saw a hypothesis taking shape (with regard to facing a multitude of issues) that held at its core Source:Acceptance and Law of Attraction in discovering the nature of WebAntiphon:Clear_CRM_Strategy infused with Attention and Passion. But what kind of lab is needed to experiment with creation of a galaxy that serves the global community AND has enhances fiscal or personal interests? Hint: Cutting-edge 3D gaming environment that supports offline events
This inquiry led to getting the research underway with a clear set of question, enhanced by a committed core group of individuals who embrace Radical_Inclusion as the first step.
Yes, that was the place to start...taking that step to see where it leads. The The Theory of Attention in a defined context provides steady illumination, step-by-step the treasure that has emerged as SoulFood surpasses any known precious substance. Amazingly it can be found in every community and individual with the heart to acknowledge it. That is the power THE STORYTELLER has always known.
When I watched the The New Story meme above I had a huge "a ha!" moment that deepened my excitement about this experiment into what automation of social responsibility really means and what it will look like....in this first incarnation as artistic movement that unites the mind and heart of the individual and the by uniting art and business as ingredients it endeavors to explore paths to the same for our world.
"Art, in its own unique way of expression, is a way out of this dilemma. The dilemma is that our minds must be free, unique, without conflict or arguement; yet our intuition is one. The project about attention is to find out , how these two perspectives of mind and intuition can exist concurrently. Our translation of mind = HOW , the expression, the shaping. And the translation of intuition = WHAT , the content, the formless. Together they form a Attention:Bilocality. There can not be content without form, no fruit without skin. And yet there can be no form without content; borders exist by the virtue of Attention:Contrast."
Hosted dialogues about the Events and questions related to them will be an extended part of the events. In fact we have a partner to provide mobile integration for event registration, q&a, discussions, etc. to connect our offline events synchronized with virtual ones via Hotel_Infinity
Cultural Fusion causes Fusion Enlightenment where CF is about a re-visioning of business and the ecosystems in which they must thrive which integrates R&D, community renewal through creative expression.
**It offers a flexible means of generating revenue that can contribute to organization sustainability for nonprofits and social enterprises, at the same time it provides the means to involve others in Global Social Responsibility as they meet their own professional needs. The result is a WebAntiphon:Clear_CRM_Strategy that successfully integrates Social_Capital into a "winning by sharing"**** approach.
"The art of dialogue is the ugly duck looking in the pond, seeing its mirror image. The art of unknowing is the ugly duck, asking itself if being different means being less equal. So where do we go from here? What is normal? What is frustration? And how can Art help to build the bridge to a future, where each person is acknowledged for their uniqueness, and radically included in this one whole that is incomplete without the last person at their own unique place." From Ron Aug 1, 10:25 am
Artists commonly struggle to balance the Need to remain connected to the experiences that inspire with the Need to support themselves.
Businesses/organizations need to attract Attention to build interest and Trust that will support Source:Relationships to increase sales/support and enhance the sustainability of communities and ecosystem
Community museums and collections need to be digitized for preservation and increased access with consideration for their needs, as in the case of rural communities or developing countries
End users are increasingly dependent on technology, that is complex and not developed with them with in mind, to manage and analyze information
The planet needs a humanity that will act in its GLOBAL best interest.
Cultural Fusion is the event which creates Comfusion, a Ring_Galaxy, in response to the times we find ourselves in.
Perhaps this is an endeavor to fulfill the growing need for a new kind of story, one to fill the hunger once satisfied by...
Here the mythology for the game is based on finding the context for "the self" in a reality that is both personal and shared. The game is the story woven as this project series has evolved and it is powered by imagination. Cultural Fusion is the experience that has brought us all together and you are invited to stay for as long as you like.
While working on Immortal_Ego:Sadistic_Ophelia this idea of tension to create a solid virtual world based loosely on the idea of gravitational fields that cause masses to orbit and create planets in solar systems accept here applied to virtual masses(websites) that are linked together to create solar systems with orbiting planets because that is the precurser to construction, came to me. Only here the question was how to create this tension to start forming solar systems? The answer came to me when Ron decided to link some of the Attention references back to his other development space.
So the places where bits of Cultural Fusion dust are swirling there is a chance for a solid mass to accumulate, while in places where dialogues on Cultural_Fusion have occurred or do in the future become evolving masses that could become planets in Solar Systems yet to be identified or named.
The people on this development site are the Founders, the first to arrive and start building the infrastructure required for us to build a new civilization based on the cultures taking shape within these individual fusion events or Projects. In the sense that we're building in a galaxy, not to mention new plantets, this project will evolve in the commercial sense as virtual real estate in a real community. People will be able to purchase or rent space in this 3D world that you'll participate in via a gaming environment to get the help you need, to be entertained as you work towards a better world...there will be order, peace and prosperity for all. And we'll help you set up shop doing what you love to do.
It's Monopoly gone off the charts until it encounters Star Trek and mingles with Myst to become this genius hybrid that looks abit like Eve Online.
Online communities provide a virtual lab for offline activities. What if a virtual place provided the lab for a culture of peace, and rather than resisting that it is economics and the human story/myths that have been the driving force, we seek to create a new global story for our world?
To ensure that there is maximum inclusion there will also be a 2D version so that people with lower speed connections or without video cards can also be engaged and benefit from what Comfusion has to offer.
The smartest, most successful companies, for example, take pains to pursue not only present customer desires but anticipated, as-yet unexpressed, customers needs and desires in the future. Such projections require both research and imagination.Take Toyota, for example, perennially ranked among the top five sellers of cars and trucks in the US….
The companies who are innovative ask totally different questions from those who are not…A traditional set of management questions begins with ‘How can we listen to our market better?' and ‘How can we meet customers' requirements?' But creative companies like Toyota ask ‘How can we SURPRISE our market?' Answering that one requires a high level of commitment to management creativity.”
… “It's a very dangerous thing for companies to feel they're sitting pretty the way things are happening today…when you're faced with the kind of continual market and product changes we see today, you've got to get ahead of the curve. That demands utilizing creativity.”
The dream of the Cultural Fusion Research Institute has become than it has been simply through the clarification process resulting into this development site.
This is an an art series as context for my research project delving into my model for community and economic development Models that support sustainability advancing the ideas put forward by Paulo Frere in Pedagogy of the Oppressed. In this case by focusing on art (culture) and business development as expressive therapy approaches supported by innovative applications of ICT (information and communication technology). More specifically, how this kind of self-help pay-it-forward, winning-by-sharing initiative can enhance the FOSS (free open source software) movement to bridge the digital divide and provide sustainable solutions that address poverty at the root levels; thereby creating a new model based on a social networking concept of community. Furthermore, Comfusion becomes an opportunity to watch this community grow from it's virtual origins.
I believe the cfHotel Infinity as UI and system infrastructure concept offers a possible approach/solution for bundling FOSS and commercially licensed applications in customized deliverables. I have been considering this as the next generation of SaaS.
I suggest that FOSS and ICT will be for this movement (infusing Attention and love into business via WebAntiphon:Clear_CRM_Strategy) what the Bessemer process was to the steel and railroad industries that transformed the world by making a quantum leap in product transportation to give birth to the Industrial Age...this time I feel it will be what Robert Florida termed the "creative class" only I expand this term to be what I call "radically inclusive" reaching out to create bridges between the developing and developed worlds to automate global social responsibility.
"It is a radical re-envisioning of business development in which the concept for the business product/service is regarded as a work of art where time and place are colored by the Internet and IT within a WebAntiphon:Clear_CRM_Strategy framework to create hybrid solutions that successfully meet the challenges posed.
A Protest piece in response to the inconsistency of the Unilever owned brands has inspired this spoof video that has been viewed 167,938 times on YouTube, embedded and linked to who knows how many blogs and social networks and in turn inspired enough response to generate thousands of other post which turn up in the top search results.
A few reasons include....
Cultural Fusion Distinction- Highlights
In addition to its research and artistic aspects, this project also serves practical areas of interest to sponsors and commercial partners.
"The work of the individual still remains the spark that moves mankind ahead
even more than teamwork."
Igor Sikorsky
Although i have to say, this Project has brought together the most incredible team i've ever encountered!
"The art of dialogue is then, to understand that HOW and WHAT, mind and intuition, affect one another. I use my attention to feel, and if i want to analyse my feeling with my mind, i use part of this feeling-attention for mind-attention. The result is that i have less attention less to feel. Then my mind tells me that i loose grip of my feelings. I try even harder, which means i take away even more feeling-attention and use it for my mind to work harder. And in this process, where feelings are gone and the mind is left with nothing to shape, to analyze... This is where you and i need to be a team. One is the mind, the other is the intuition. This game, this dance, is a never ending one, you and i can switch roles each and every millisecond. Most people don't realize that the game continues : that it is a quantum process, where the reality is different, depending on whether you observe , be aware , or whether you don't."
Applying something along the lines Eve Online in terms of a virtual community constructed offering 3D gaming technology version and a 2D version for this phase 1 implementation. Think mixed use development, inclusive and welcoming but with community standards in place...imagine the Galleria and updated for a new age using the idea of Hotel_Infinity.
Because on a purely personal level as sponsors emerge I look to see who in my network is most interested, has the right vibe and best able to deliver what is required. I discuss this more here, so keep reading…
We are available for commissions or you may select a sponsorship opportunity from one of the existing or emerging projects (see pod discussion to view my new work). Each one advance my goal of developing solutions that engage increasing numbers of people in systems that automate global social responsibility (GSR). To understand Cultural_Fusion as an Art:Movement and solution of interest click this link.
As a Social Enterprise
The projects in Cultural_Fusion benefit core organizations that address assistance for HIV/AIDS orphans in Africa, assistance for impoverished children, grassroots community economic development, literacy, the arts as a tool in cross-cultural dialogues, global cooperation on problematic issues, and FOSS (free open source software) inspiration via iFOSSF. You can see the other organization the project will benefit here
IF this matters to you please keep reading….if something isn't clear please send me a message and ask or post it in on the discussion board.
Alot of GREAT things can happen in the next 30 days….
and one of them has been joining forces with Cyres Cafe for both our online and “in world” art hotel Hotel Infinity chain.]
The new phase1 website will launch with a gift shop benefiting HIV/AIDS orphans. The gift shops virtual gifts include sponsoring the supplies or care of a child, etc.
We need**
businesses to sponsor “thank you gifts” for purchases. We encourage something a little more unexpected to go along with the free logo pens (posters, note card sets, fine art prints, sculpture, lithographs and limited editions, music, ringtones, mobile and desktop wallpapers/themes, organic cotton shirts featuring an Immortal_Ego
, etc) to be used as “promotional items”, but the options are only limited by the imagination. The great thing about working with artists is that creativity is in no short supply….and i have a network full of amazingly talented people! In fact we have a partner to provide mobile integration for event registration, q&a, etc. to connect our offline events synchronized with virtual ones via Hotel Infinity.
*The Immortal Egos did very well in market testing. They had a broad range of appeal across cultural, gender and age demographics.
I have been developing this project primarily with Ronald Wopereis and iFOSSF as the technical R&D partner. I am working with Ronald on his next book advancing his Theory of Attention. Recently Pras Anand has joined forces with us to connect his work with Social Computer (SoCo) and Practical Utopia to our Cultural_Fusion experience.
We are also developing this as a cultural and media (arts focused) demonstration project for iFOSSF that will explore an open business model and processes inspired by the bootstrapping model used by the FOSS movement. We are exploring FOSS AND private license applications that create the SOA to deliver the desired functionality in a streamlined UI (user interface) for the purpose of developing solutions that advance my goal of developing solutions that automate GSR. The infrastructure will be powered by a new approach to community enterprises.
The intention is to do so for the purpose of facing multiple challenges with interdisciplinary models that empower stakeholders to be engaged in solutions.
Any questions?
A short movie from MellaniuM_Designs gave us a first glimpse of the first prototype. Since then things have evolved and the Game has its own page now.
It provides a great model for inclusive participation in CF, the rooms are an expansion of this idea and the rooms can naturally grow out of project activity in the community and the team that helps me put this together will be represented as the stores/businesses in this community who essentially sale the services showcased by becoming the Comfusion:Founding_Members.
The Event at the virtual place (CF at comfusion) will be connected via the internet with real Offline Events including Installations and Event:Exhibition receptions and maybe a networking Events. So all three venues are connected even though they take place at different places and times because of the convergence online at Comfusion and Events will be combined to create new Art:Works that explore ideas about Business:Time and Space in the creation of place.
this offers a more engaging way to deliver a sales message than a traditional ad and supports relationship building with customer base. More importantly the opportunity exist to form Source:Connections and sustainable bonds based on Source:Collaborations to make the world a better place. Project:Oci_Novosti
further development of Cultural Fusion
this Art:Work can then be developed further into a Published_Print to benefit MDG whatever cause the business wanted for imprinted promotional items, such as being included in giftbags for Cultural Fusion Events
As competition for eyeballs becomes more intense online, the public's reliance on the guidance of marketing engineers and magical search engines is unlikely to favor independent contentCreators.
The prominent Internet portals will soon be pitching music and movies, so even less attention will be focused on independent Artists, Authors, and modestly funded organizations.
A Need has arisen for popular portals that feature independently produced content.
AEN is not a conventional portal because, instead of serving as a general starting point for information, it foregrounds art and online experiences.
"Still it is sufficiently portal-like to beg the question of whether AEN, or something like it, could develop a sizable group of regular CF_Website:Visitors."
In its current form, CF_Website:Visitors to AEN are unlikely to return frequently because it was not designed to offer many of the most popular portal services that foster community
"Having already acknowledged by its very title the blurring of art and entertainment, is it surprising to consider a further hybridization with popular Internet services?"
AEN would be more important if it could cast off its subaltern status, becoming more of an everyday starting point and less of a seasonal Exhibition.
the future of CF
I see CF as a hybrid that crosses the line to feature Sponsored_Content AND still give Artist a place to plug there sites/Projects etc in a place where they will actually be seen by potential buyers
CF has the potential to spread like wildfire because it has this magical spark
CF is a place where Business:Deals can be made and managed
Preposterous! shouted Kronecker He tells me to come visit the infinite as though it is something waiting to be discovered or explored, skipping over entirely the fact that ordinary people can not figure out a way for it to get there. If he cannot tell me how that place is constructed, it is neither real nor useful and people should stay away! And furthermore...
Listen to this ridiculous man! burst in Sam. I am sure he cannot tell me how to construct a stomach, yet this has never prevented him from staying away from his lunch!Source: Hotel Infinity
The art of dialogue is the ugly duck looking in the pond, seeing its mirror image. The art of unknowing is the ugly duck, asking itself if being different means being less equal.
So where do we go from here? What is normal? What is frustration? And how can art help to build the bridge to a future, where each person is acknowledged for their uniqueness, and radically included in this one whole that is incomplete without the last person at their own unique place.
To see the process, this game, you and i need to step back. If you look into the world, thru a pair of red-coloured sunglasses, you see the world as red. But if you have had these pair of red-coloured sunglasses all of your life, then the world does not look red ; instead it looks NORMAL. So the question is : how do i know that i am wearing a pair of red-coloured sunglasses ? How do i start to wonder ?
And so , within the dialogue , there is yet another level of collaboration, of being a team. This is the art of unknowing, of walking the path back from knowing to not-yet-knowing. You ask yourself : how do i know this for sure ? Where did this belief come from ? What is this feeling all about ?
And instead of answering these and other question, thereby effectively shutting down the door to the world beyond the red colours, you start looking for your glasses. Nobody in the world has ever reminded you that you were carrying such a thing as red-coloured sunglasses. They thought it was YOU.
The art of dialogue is then, to understand that HOW and WHAT, mind and intuition, affect one another. I use my attention to feel, and if i want to analyse my feeling with my mind, i use part of this feeling-attention for mind-attention. The result is that i have less attention less to feel. Then my mind tells me that i loose grip of my feelings. I try even harder, which means i take away even more feeling-attention and use it for my mind to work harder. And in this process, where feelings are gone and the mind is left with nothing to shape, to analyze... This is where you and i need to be a team. One is the mind, the other is the intuition. This game, this dance, is a never ending one, you and i can switch roles each and every millisecond. Most people don't realize that the game continues : that it is a quantum process, where the reality is different, depending on whether you observe , be aware , or whether you don't.
Art, in its own unique way of expression, is a way out of this dilemma. The dilemma is that our minds must be free, unique, without conflict or arguement; yet our intuition is one. The project about attention is to find out , how these two perspectives of mind and intuition can exist concurrently.
Our translation of mind = HOW , the expression, the shaping.
And the translation of intuition = WHAT , the content, the formless.
Together they form a bilocality. There can not be content without form, no fruit without skin. And yet there can be no form without content; borders exist by the virtue of contrast.
Yvette i would think that you radically include protest art as another way of positive affirmation.
In addition, it is a radical inclusion of protest art, because we understand these Latin words pro and test, which mean seeing forth, to testify, to witness. The question of what-is-peace is really about seeking to understand, rather than to agree or disagree. We understand that all conflict arises from two or more claims on one and the same area; be this area the truth, a country, or any other right that excludes the claims from other people.
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Comments (9)
Yvette said
at 8:43 pm on Nov 18, 2008
Everything after http://comfusion.pbwiki.com/Cultural_Fusion#AsanArtistCulturalFusionGroup is not visible but it shows up within edit. Do you see it on your end?
Anonymous said
at 9:32 am on Aug 1, 2006
Remember Comfusion Proverbs for CF GO Game Room project
Anonymous said
at 9:31 am on Aug 1, 2006
I love these questions! i believe i feel some proverbs in this.....do you see it?
Ronald Wopereis said
at 9:25 am on Aug 1, 2006
The art of dialogue is the ugly duck looking in the pond, seeing its mirror image. The art of unknowing is the ugly duck, asking itself if being different means being less equal.
So where do we go from here? What is normal? What is frustration? And how can art help to build the bridge to a future, where each person is acknowledged for their uniqueness, and radically included in this one whole that is incomplete without the last person at their own unique place.
Ronald Wopereis said
at 9:22 am on Aug 1, 2006
To see the process, this game, you and i need to step back. If you look into the world, thru a pair of red-coloured sunglasses, you see the world as red. But if you have had these pair of red-coloured sunglasses all of your life, then the world does not look red ; instead it looks NORMAL. So the question is : how do i know that i am wearing a pair of red-coloured sunglasses ? How do i start to wonder ?
And so , within the dialogue , there is yet another level of collaboration, of being a team. This is the art of unknowing, of walking the path back from knowing to not-yet-knowing. You ask yourself : how do i know this for sure ? Where did this belief come from ? What is this feeling all about ?
And instead of answering these and other question, thereby effectively shutting down the door to the world beyond the red colours, you start looking for your glasses. Nobody in the world has ever reminded you that you were carrying such a thing as red-coloured sunglasses. They thought it was YOU.
Ronald Wopereis said
at 9:14 am on Aug 1, 2006
The art of dialogue is then, to understand that HOW and WHAT, mind and intuition, affect one another. I use my attention to feel, and if i want to analyse my feeling with my mind, i use part of this feeling-attention for mind-attention. The result is that i have less attention less to feel. Then my mind tells me that i loose grip of my feelings. I try even harder, which means i take away even more feeling-attention and use it for my mind to work harder. And in this process, where feelings are gone and the mind is left with nothing to shape, to analyze... This is where you and i need to be a team. One is the mind, the other is the intuition. This game, this dance, is a never ending one, you and i can switch roles each and every millisecond. Most people don't realize that the game continues : that it is a quantum process, where the reality is different, depending on whether you observe , be aware , or whether you don't.
Ronald Wopereis said
at 9:08 am on Aug 1, 2006
Art, in its own unique way of expression, is a way out of this dilemma. The dilemma is that our minds must be free, unique, without conflict or arguement; yet our intuition is one. The project about attention is to find out , how these two perspectives of mind and intuition can exist concurrently.
Our translation of mind = HOW , the expression, the shaping.
And the translation of intuition = WHAT , the content, the formless.
Together they form a bilocality. There can not be content without form, no fruit without skin. And yet there can be no form without content; borders exist by the virtue of contrast.
Anonymous said
at 9:01 am on Aug 1, 2006
Great point, Ron!
Thank you :-)
Ronald Wopereis said
at 8:58 am on Aug 1, 2006
In addition, it is a protest to protest art ...
Yvette i would think that you radically include protest art as another way of positive affirmation.
In addition, it is a radical inclusion of protest art, because we understand these Latin words pro and test, which mean seeing forth, to testify, to witness. The question of what-is-peace is really about seeking to understand, rather than to agree or disagree. We understand that all conflict arises from two or more claims on one and the same area; be this area the truth, a country, or any other right that excludes the claims from other people.
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