

Page history last edited by Ronald Wopereis 16 years, 8 months ago



this is the Context for the category perspective



Category is a kind of Mapping


A category is a collection of concepts, objects, situations, etc.

They share common attributes.


In a database the category name would be a table name.

The attributes would then be column names.

And the collection, the list inside each category, would be the rows, the entries.


Pages in this space

  1. Ambiguous
  2. Art
  3. Attention
  4. Business
  5. CF_Website
  6. Comfusion
  7. Cultural_Fusion
  8. Event
  9. GamePlay
  10. Hotel_Infinity
  11. Humanity
  12. Immortal_Ego
  13. Love
  14. Mapping
  15. Market
  16. Organization
  17. Project
    1. Project:Gallery
  18. Religion
  19. SoulFood
  20. Source
  21. Spinoza
  22. Space
  23. Tarot


Category: Mapping

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